Council of Europe - Conference of INGOs
Calendar of the Conference of INGOs for 2023-2024
9 – 11 October 2023 – Autumn Session of the Conference of INGOs
6 – 8 November 2023 – World Forum for Democracy
8 – 10 April 2024 – Spring Session of the Conference of INGOs
Educational tools and resources
Manifesto - "Education for Change - Change for Education"
European portfolio for pre-primary educators The plurilingual and intercultural dimension
The Conference of INGOs (International Non-governmental Organisations) is one of the pillars of the Council of Europe. It is made of around 400 INGOs and it builds a link between the representative politicians and citizens. Its purpose is to make the voice of the civil society heard in the Council of Europe.
The Comenius Association has been taking part in this work for some years and it has been granted in July 2017 the official participatory status. Our former President of the Comenius Association Geneviève Laloy is Vice-President of the Conference of INGOs.
The Conference organises two meeting sessions a year and is run by a Standing Committee.
It is made up of various committees active in various fields related to the Council of Europe's missions.
Several representatives of members of the Comenius Association have been mandated to follow more specifically the work of some committees and their different work groups. Comenius Association contact person for the Conference of INGOs: Monika Becker
The Conference of INGOs is also represented on the various steering committees of the Council of Europe, in particular the Steering Committee for Education.
The Council of Europe has developed numerous teaching tools for the education sector, particularly in the areas of citizenship education, democracy, intercultural skills and language learning.