University of Stavanger - Faculty of Arts and Education
Postboks 8600 Forus 4036 Stavanger
Tel: +47/ 51 83 34 05 - Fax: +47/51 83 34 50
Dr. June JUNGE - International Coordinator, Department of Early Childhood Education
Line Rak Haugen - Administrative coordinator, Department of Early Childhood Education (International Weeks)
Tel: +47/ 51 83 20 95 - Fax: +47/51 83 34 50
International Exchange Office -
Course catalogue:
Internalization at Early Childhood Education/ECE, University of Stavanger/UiS, Norway:
ECE, UiS are working with Internationalization in various ways, and on various levels. Participation in teacher/student exchanges as well as international research group is strongly encouraged by our management.
Most of our activities related to student exchange is within a bachelor level. However, we have recently started an Early Childhood master program and, and students at both levels are encouraged to participate in exchanges during their study.
For incoming international students, we have various courses that offers English speaking teaching. All these are offered during the spring semester.
Comparative Educational Education/CES. This course is directed towards both kindergarten- and primary school teachers and is directed for incoming international students. Students may choose the extent of ects they want to acquire. 30 ects implies lectures in various subjects + 10 weeks practice experience in school/kindergarten. 20 ects implies lectures only. 10 ects implies practice experience in kindergarten only (April-June).
Our International Week, Outdoor Education (March/April) is organized as an event for students within the Comenius network. It is also part of the curricula for CES students.
Practice Experience. In addition to the separate offer within CES, students within Comenius network may apply for kindergarten stays 1-4 weeks (no ects). Locations and dates to be organized on demand with our practice coordinator.
For primary/secondary schoolteacher students,
In addition to above, Primary and Secondary Schoolteacher Education opens up two local courses (both 30 ects) for exchange students during the spring semester:
Drama and Theatre Communication, and Outdoor Education.
Staff exchange:
International week. Staff related to teacher education may participate as observers during this week.
International Days are part of the students first and second year curricula and organized as daily seminars with workshops and groups discussions. The seminar for second year students is a collaboration with CES students. This is an English-speaking event, and we invite guest lecturers from the Comenius network to give workshops on multicultural work issues related to young children.